Picklist issue interface.

interface PicklistIssue {
    abortEarly?: boolean;
    abortPipeEarly?: boolean;
    expected: string;
    input: unknown;
    issues?: [BaseIssue<unknown>, ...BaseIssue<unknown>[]];
    kind: "schema";
    lang?: string;
    message: string;
    path?: [IssuePathItem, ...IssuePathItem[]];
    received: string;
    requirement?: unknown;
    type: "picklist";

Hierarchy (View Summary)


abortEarly?: boolean

Whether it should be aborted early.

abortPipeEarly?: boolean

Whether a pipe should be aborted early.

expected: string

The expected property.

input: unknown

The raw input data.

issues?: [BaseIssue<unknown>, ...BaseIssue<unknown>[]]

The sub issues.

kind: "schema"

The issue kind.

lang?: string

The selected language.

message: string

The error message.

The issue path.

received: string

The received property.

requirement?: unknown

The input requirement.

type: "picklist"

The issue type.